29 April, 2013

Review: Maybelline 24 Hour Color Tatto in Bad to the Bronze

 Hello everyone! This is my first review for this blog and it's on the forever talked about Maybelline Color Tattoo in Bad to the Bronze. I have honestly heard so many good things about it, and I have been lusting for a easy lid colour for a while. Plus I didn't have a cream eyeshadow yet! I got mine at London Drugs in Vancouver for $8.99CAN, a bit much for drugstore buuut it's Canada.

Company Description:
  •  Dare to wear our longest-lasting shadow.
  • Our ink technology creates super-saturated color.
  • Cream gel smoothes on for vibrant color that does not fade. 

27 April, 2013

Firefighting! | Vancouver Youth Outreach Program

Hello everyone! Over the past week I did a Youth Academy program with the Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services where I was able to experience life and training as a firefighter. I had such an amazing time, I learned CPR and the proper use of fire extinguishers, how to "take a hydrant", how to properly take out, carry, and put away hose, and how to use Self Contained Breathing Apparatus'. It was a 5 day program with 24 other students from around Vancouver, and I was lucky enough to be chosen. Here are some photos of my week! 
 This is my team! Team Delta! WOO TRIANGLES.
 Haulin' some hose.
I'm the second from the front, helpin' spray some water. 

I had an amazing time with the 10 hour days to the hundreds of pushups. I would love to pursue something along these lines in the future, like a volunteer firefighter for a small community or town. I just loved how it incorporates physical activity and science. How perfect is that?! 

Have any of you wanted to be in emergency services? Or are thinking of joining one? Give me your feedback!
Au revoir for now... 

15 April, 2013


Hello everyone,
Thanks for dropping by! My name is Sophia, but for this blog and possibly the future I'm going by my middle name, Anastasia. I currently reside in Vancouver Canada, and I'm just completing high school. As of now my plans are to go to SFU for their Visual Arts program, but I'm not too sure. I don't really know what my plans are for this blog, I've fallen head over heels for the lifestyle/beauty/fashion blog world, so hopefully something along those lines..? Here are some random facts about myself:
  • I am the only girl in my math class.
  • My graduating class has 12 people altogether. 
  • I have two cats, Cali and Mary. They are my babies.
  • I am in love with marine biology and biological sciences. 
  • My favorite movies are Finding Nemo, Fight Club, Moonrise Kingdom, and Superbad. I honestly can watch Superbad a million times and still laugh every time Jonah Hill gets hit by the car.
  • My drama teacher taught Seth when he was in high school... and now he's teaching me!
  • I have been to London 4 times, and it's amazing every time. 
  • I was a groundling at the Globe and saw Henry V. 
  • I want to start making videos or vlogs but I don't know what on. 
  • And finally, I loooove playing soccer. It's my favorite sport by far. 
So yeah! I will try to get this blog functioning soon so stay tuned :)