21 June, 2013

Nail of the Week! | June 21, 2013

Hello! I hope everyone is having a great summer solstice! To celebrate the summer, I painted my nails Hot Chili Pepper from the Rimmel 60 Seconds range. It's such a great colour I can't get over it. The bright orange red really makes my hands look tan and goes with basically everything. It's just an awesome colour for summer! The best part about this polish is that I have had it on my nails for about 3 days and there is not a chip in sight! I purchased this polish at London Drugs for $4 CAN.

Have you tried the Rimmel 60 Seconds polish? Got a favorite colour? Or favorite summer colour?
*This product was purchased by me.

Birthday Haul! | 2013

Hey everyone! So it was my birthday last weekend and I had a lovely time filled with family and friends. Along with birthdays comes birthday money so I decided to do a bit of shopping while I'm still in Vancouver...